About Us

Our Solutions

The Centre for Advanced 2D Materials has built a state-of-the-art clean room facility with 800 m2 of Class 1000 and 100 landscapes.
It provides sophisticated micro- and nanofabrication facilities for graphene and other research material.

X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS)

Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM)

  • Exclusive PeakForce QNM
    Quantitative characterization of nanomechanical properties—including modulus, adhesion, dissipation, and deformation — while simultaneously imaging sample topography at atomic-scale resolution has become a routine endeavor with this mode. Now Bruker’s frequency-calibrated probes enable defined geometry and adhesion to track probe-sample contact with the lowest uncertainty in measurements of sticky-soft materials in the <1kPa to 100 GPa range, while rendering results with high-resolution nanoscale mapping.
  • FASTForce Volume
    This mode extends the operating frequency of linear ramps by >400 Hz, closing the frequency gap between
    PeakForce QNM and standard Force Volume mapping. The overlap of operating frequencies facilitates nanomechanical correlative studies between modes, rendering greater measurement confidence while allowing investigation of property material frequency dependency.

  • Innovative FASTForce Volume CR
    Due to its ability to measure a wide range of moduli, contact resonance is a powerful tool for nanomechanical measurements. However, until now, its implementation has been hampered by contact mode’s limitations, including slow imaging speed, complex analysis, and the requirement of specialized hardware for full spectrum acquisition. XR Nanomechanics resolves these issues, providing consistent data of both elastic and viscoelastic properties.

Raman Spectroscopy

Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) With Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS)

AJA ATC Orion Ultra High Vacuum Electron Beam Evaporator
Kurt J Lesker Nano36tm Thermal Evaporator
AJA ATC 2200 Ultra High Vacuum Sputtering System

JEOL JBX-6300FS Electron Beam Lithography System

NOVA NanoSEM 230 Ultra-High Resolution SEM (FEI EBL)

SUSS MicroTec MJB4 Mask Aligner

MICROTEC LW405B Laser Writer

Deep Reaction Ion Etching (DRIE)

For an overview of our cleanroom equipment details, click here.


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JEOL EBL FEI EBL FEI SEM ZEISS EVO10 Ebeam Evaporator Deep RIE Sputtering System MBE Thermal Evaporator ICP CVD Annealing Furnace Mask Aligner Laserwriter Yellow Glove-Box Probe Station Raman Ellipsometer Transfer Station AFM