News & Events
11JulGrafoid raises $3.5 million from private investors on the way to MesoGraf mass productionGrafoid, major stakeholder of the NUS and GRC spin-off Graphite Zero, announced that they completed a new funding round from...Read More
26JunGRC Publication ReportThe Graphene Research Centre, despite being still in its “infancy”, has recently surpassed 100 publications in the Science Citation Index,...Read More
18JunProf. Antonio H. Castro Neto is awarded the Hsun Lee AwardProf. Antonio H. Castro Neto is awarded the Hsun Lee Award by the Institute of Metal Research (IMR) of the...Read More
18JunNext-generation solar cells from grapheneNUS Newshub reports: “Longer-lasting and better – the next-generation solar cells and optoelectronic devices will tout these properties and more...Read More
17JunGraphene’s Magnetic Properties Can Now Be ControlledIn the Science World Report: “In a breakthrough for possible futuristic atom-scale spintronic transistors, wonder material graphene can actually be...Read More
11JunGraphene Brazil 2013Graphene Brazil 2013 will be the 2nd edition of a series of conferences that aim to cover aspects related to...Read More
23MayGraphene knock-offs probe ultrafast electronicsIn May 22nd Nature News: “If imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, then graphene is basking in admiration. Several...Read More
21MayNew Diamond and Nano Carbons ConferenceThe New Diamond and Nano Carbons Conference is taking place at Novotel Clarke Quay, Singapore, from the 19th to 23rd...Read More
16MayACS Nano Lectureship award won by Professor Loh Kian PingProfessor Loh Kian Ping won the American Chemical Society (ACS) Nano Lectureship award in 2013, being one of the three...Read More