News & Events
06SepVisit by ST KineticsCA2DM had the honour to host the President of ST Kinetics, Dr Lee Shiang Long, and a group of distinguished...Read More
31JulGrooming young scientists in SingaporeResearch work on monolayer WS2 done by Belle Sow Miaoer, a student from NUS High School of Mathematics and Science,...Read More
27Jul9th annual Recent Progress in Graphene and Two-dimensional Materials Research Conference is taking place in SingaporeThe 9th annual Recent Progress in Graphene and Two-dimensional Materials Research Conference (RPGR2017) is taking place between the 19th to...Read More
10JulMonochalcogenides enrich library of 2D crystalsThe field of two-dimensional materials is possibly one of the fastest expanding fields in material science and condensed matter research worldwide....Read More
07JulGate-Tunable Giant Stark Effect in Few-Layer Black PhosphorusTwo-dimensional black phosphorus has sparked enormous research interest due to its high carrier mobility, layer-dependent direct bandgap and outstanding in-plane...Read More
12MayCA2DM Industrialisation Incentive Programme (IIP)CA2DM is launching the Industrialization Incentive Programme (IIP) in conjunction with the Waiver Programme that was launched 2 weeks ago....Read More
04MayCA2DM Waiver ProgramOne of the main objectives of CA2DM is to provide access to top-notch facilities in the area of 2D materials...Read More
04MayWorkshop on Electron-electron Interactions in Topological MaterialsCA2DM and Yale-NUS will host a workshop on electron-electron Interactions in topological materials from June 28th to the 30th. For...Read More
18AprCA2DM-NUS team pioneers two-dimensional polymer breakthrough that could revolutionise energy storageThe novel ultra-thin two-dimensional polymer sheet, which is the organic analogue of graphene, heralds new opportunities for long lasting sodium...Read More