About Us

HPC Charging Scheme

Usage accounting is performed in terms of core-hours per user for all users, which are grouped according to Principal Investigator (PI). The charges per usage depend on the PI’s relationship to NUS and CA2DM and on the research topic:

CA2DM Members 2D Research 0.042
Non-2D Research 0.056
Non-CA2DM Members NUS 0.069
Non-NUS 0.084


CA2DM Members

The cluster is built and operated on contributions from both center wide and individual PI grants. As such, internal PIs that contribute with equipment (compute nodes) and/or operational costs (hosting utility charges) are awarded core-hour packages proportional to their contributions, at a subsidized rate of 0.021 S$/core-hour. Internal PIs can also get advancements on funds requested in grant applications and/or apply for core-hour packages specific to relevant research projects.