About Us

Jeroen Anton van Kan

Graphene Research
Degree: PhD
Position: Associate Professor
Affiliation: Department of Physics
Research Type: Experiment
Office: S13-02-02
Email: phyjavk@nus.edu.sg
Contact: (65) 6516 6978
Research Interests:

Micro and Nano fabrication using: Proton Beam Writing (PBW), Nano Imprint Lithograph (NIL) and mold fabrication
Micro & Nanofluidic lab on chip devices for single molecule detection and particle separation
Materials modification using ion beams, e.g. Graphene, Magnetic materials and Diamond films
Ion source development for next generation ion nano-probes.

Selected Publications

  1. N. Liu, X. Xu, R. Pang, P. S. Raman, A. Khursheed and J. A. van Kan, “Development and brightness measurement of an electron impact gas ion source for proton beam writing applications”, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 87 (2016) 02A903-1;
  2. C Zhang, A Hernandez-Garcia, K Jiang, Z Gong, D Guttula, SY Ng, PP Malar, JA van Kan, Liang Dai, PS Doyle, R de Vries, and JRC van der Maarel, Amplified stretch of bottlebrush-coated DNA in nanofluidic channels, Nucleic Acids Research, 41 (2013) No 20: e189​;
  3. JA van Kan, P Malar, and Armin Baysic de Vera “The second generation Singapore high resolution proton beam writing facility”, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 83 (2012) 02B902;
  4. J.A. van Kan, C. Zhang, P. Malar and J.R.C. van der Maarel, “High throughput fabrication of disposable nanofluidic lab-on-chip devices for single molecule studies”, Biomicrofluidics 6 (2012) 036502;
  5. C Zhang, PG Shao, JA van Kan and JRC van der Maarel, “Macromolecular crowding induced elongation and compaction of single DNA molecules confined in a nanochannel”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA, 106 (2009) 16651;
  6. JA van Kan, AA Bettiol, and F Watt, “Proton Beam Writing of Three-Dimensional Nanostructures in Hydrogen Silsesquioxane”, Nano Letters, 6 (2006) 579.