About Us

Cheng Lin Quan Nicholas

Graphene Research
Position: Grad Students
Research Type: Theory
Office: S14-06-17B
Email: nicholascheng@u.nus.edu

Group: Prof Quek Su Ying

CA2DM Publications:

Cheng, Nicholas Lin Quan; Xuan, Fengyuan; Spataru, Catalin D; Quek, Su Ying

Charge Transfer Screening and Energy Level Alignment at Complex Organic-Inorganic Interfaces: A Tractable Ab Initio GW Approach Journal Article

JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS, 12 (36), pp. 8841-8846, 2021, ISSN: 1948-7185.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX


Noori, Keian; Cheng, Nicholas Lin Quan; Xuan, Fengyuan; Quek, Su Ying

Dielectric screening by 2D substrates Journal Article

2D MATERIALS, 6 (3), 2019, ISSN: 2053-1583.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX