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US-Singapore Summer Exchange Scholarship Programme

The US-Singapore Summer Exchange Scholarship Programme commemorates the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Singapore and the US in 2016. Jointly funded by the Government of Singapore and selected US companies and organisations, the Scholarship Programme will promote greater interaction and mutual understanding between the next generation of Singaporeans and Americans, by allowing recipients to attend a university summer programme in each other’s countries.

Eligibility Criteria

Eligible undergraduates of NUS and selected US partner universities will receive an invitation to apply for this Scholarship Programme, and must meet the following criteria to be considered:

  • Applicants from NUS must be Singapore citizens
  • Applicants from eligible US partner universities must be US citizens
  • Enrolled in a full-time undergraduate degree-awarding course at their home universities
  • Among others, applicants will be assessed on the following criteria:
    • Academic performance
    • Co-curricular records and community involvement
    • Essay response