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2014 SinBeRISE Workshop

The Berkeley Education Alliance for Research in Singapore Limited (BEARS) is organizing its 2014 Singapore Berkeley Research Initiative for Sustainable Energy (SinBeRISE) Workshop.

The Singapore-Berkeley Research Initiative for Sustainable Energy (SinBeRISE) is a research programme exploring novel, inexpensive approaches to capturing solar energy.  The goal is to utilize earth-abundant raw materials through low cost manufacturing processes to harvest solar energy at conversion efficiencies comparable to or higher than present techniques. SinBeRISE has three thrusts: converting solar energy into electrical energy (Photovoltaics); catalyzing the conversion of CO2 into liquid fuel (Photoelectrochemical approaches); and translating fundamental scientific developments in these areas into devices and systems.

SinBeRISE researchers from UC Berkeley, NTU and NUS bring expertise in advanced materials, nanostructures, optoelectronic electrical testing protocols, device design and modeling and the fundamental physics and chemistry of electron transport in complex systems. In this first workshop of the SinBeRISE programme, speakers from all three partner institutions will describe some of the background expertise that they bring to the programme, and report some of the early highlights of the programme.  There will be posters describing more of the accomplishments from the first year of the programme, and the opportunity for informal discussions with SinBeRISE researchers.


Date     : 27 March 2014

Time     : 08.30– 17.30

Venue   : CREATE Theatrette, CREATE Tower Level 2,  1 Create Way, University Town, National University of Singapore (NUS), Singapore 138602

Lab Tours and Breakout Meetings

Date     : 28 March 2014

Time     : 09.00– 17.30

Venue   : Various places in NUS and NTU.

Further information

Registration Form and Brochure

Contact Nerissa Deviana (ndeviana@ntu.edu.sg) for further assistance.