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Interactive Session with Prof Zhang Shoucheng at NTU

Prof Shoucheng Zhang, a well-renowned Chinese-American physicist, is the JG Jackson and CJ Wood Professor at Stanford University. He is internationally recognized for his research in topological insulators, quantum spin Hall effect, spintronics and high temperature superconductivity. His notable awards include the top three prizes of international physics field, namely the prestigious Dirac Medal and Prize in 2012, the Oliver Buckley prize in 2012 and the Europhysics prize in 2010.

Prof CN Yang was once his mentor during his PhD years at State University of New York at Stony Brook, and Shoucheng has already made himself the role model among the Chinese physicists, following his great instructor, Prof CN Yang.

Prof Shoucheng Zhang will share his personal experience in research particularly in the field of topological insulators. Amazingly, the theory and the application of topological insulator have successfully brought up the revolutionary development in the field of information technology.

Please confirm your attendance via email by 23 August 2013 to LouisLimym@ntu.edu.sg
