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5th International Conference on Recent Progress in Graphene Research

The 5th International Conference on Recent Progress in Graphene Research will take place in Tokyo, Japan, from September 9 to 13, 2013.

RPGR (Recent Progress in Graphene Research) is one of the most important graphene conferences in the world. The RPGR series was created in 2009 by Prof. Young-Woo Son, KIAS, South Korea, and Prof. Antonio Castro Neto, Director of the Graphene Research Centre at NUS, Singapore, in order to bring together the most important Asian researchers in the area of graphene, so that they can discuss the latest theoretical and experimental findings.

RPGR has always counted with the participation of the world leaders in graphene research, including Prof. Andre Geim and Prof. Kostantin Novoselov, who shared the 2010 Physics Nobel Prize for groundbreaking experiments in graphene. RPGR has also been supported by companies and entrepreneurs interested in developing graphene-related products.

The first RPGR took place in 2009 in Seoul, South Korea, in 2010 it moved to Singapore, and in 2011 it turned to South Korea, at Suwon. In 2012, RPGR was hosted by the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing, China (Chair: Prof. Hongjun Gao). Tokyo, Japan, will host the 2013 RPGR (Chairs: Prof. Toshiaki Enoki, Prof. Taiichi Otsuji, and Dr. Masataka Hasegawa).