French style good bye party with friends and wine. We wish best for Laurent!

The National Research Foundation (NRF) intenational advisory panel to review progress of Competitive Research Programme (CRP) project . They are impressed with our industry focus research.

Graphene exhibits weak intrinsic spin-orbit coupling (SOC; hence, it is suitable for use in spintronics applications that require a long spin mean-free path of charge carriers. Due to the weak SOC, the control over the spin is also poor. However, the proximity effect can be leveraged for overcoming this limitation. By depositing graphene on a tungsten disulphide substrate, the strong SOC properties of the substrate are taken up by graphene. Using graphene with both weak and strong SOC, developing a graphene-based spin field effect transistor at room temperature is expected to get closer.

For exploring the non-local magneto-resistance in graphene  deposited on a tungsten disulphide (WS2), a high magnetic field with two orientations with reference to the graphene plane is used. Based on these measurements, the orbital and the spin effects are distinguished. A rotational probe (Figure 1) is used to safeguard the sample from ambient conditions in all the experiments. This probes are designed specifically for  spin transport measurements in TeslatronTMPT Cryofree® system  (Figure2).

Figure 1. Rotating probe with chip holder

Figure 2. TeslatronTMPT Cryofree® system at Barbaros Ozyilmaz lab

You can find more information here:

Deputy Prime Minister and Chairman of National Research Foundation (NRF), Mr. Teo Chee Hean, accompanied by NUS President, Prof. Tan Chorh Chuan, the Permanent Secretary of NRF and Public Service Division, Ms. Yong Ying-I, and the CEO of NRF, Prof. Low Teck Seng, visited our Centre on 26 September 2017.

During the visit, Prof Antonio Castro Neto, Director of CA2DM and Prof Barbaros Oezyilmaz, Deputy Director (Translation) of CA2DM’s Office for Industry and Innovation (OII), shared with DPM Teo on the achievements of the Centre and how we translate scientific research to industry applications by supporting researchers to validate and benchmark their technologies and working closely with industry partners to identify graphene’s unique properties relevant for their needs.

There was also a presentation and demonstration on CA2DM’s 2D materials-based magnetic sensor, which is developed and fabricated entirely within CA2DM’s Micro and Nano Fabrication Facility, using latest state-of-art tools such as Electron Beam Lithography. It is possibly the thinnest ever magnetic field sensor which allows it to be integrated effectively and customised into any industrial applications such as bio-medical fields, petroleum pipe-lines inspection gauges etc.

DPM shared the visit to CA2DM on his facebook page:

This is a 3U CubeSat Structure with experimental housing — The Centre for Advanced Two-Dimensional Materials (CA2DM) of the National University of Singapore (NUS) has partnered with US-based Boreal Space to test the properties of graphene material after it has been launched into the stratosphere.

During this launch, the graphene material will be subjected to rapid acceleration, vibration, acoustic shock, strong pressure, and a wide range in temperature fluctuations. The research team will retrieve the graphene material and will be testing its properties to see if it was able to resist the various challenges imposed by the launch environment. Technologies that push the limits in graphene research by demonstrating electro-magnetic shielding; efficient solar power generation; and excellent thermal protection.

Although graphene is very promising for spin communication due to its extraordinary electron mobility, the lack of a bandgap restricts its prospects for semiconducting spin devices such as spin diodes and bipolar spin transistors. The recent emergence of black phosphorus, a high-mobility two-dimensional semiconductor, could help overcome this basic challenge. In this letter we report an important step towards making two-dimensional semiconductor spin devices. We have fabricated a spin valve based on ultrathin (~5 nm) semiconducting black phosphorus (bP), and established fundamental spin properties of this spin channel material, which supports all electrical spin injection, transport, precession and detection up to room temperature. In the non-local spin valve geometry we measure Hanle spin precession and observe spin relaxation times as high as 4 ns, with spin relaxation lengths exceeding 6 μm. Our experimental results are in a very good agreement with first-principles calculations and demonstrate that the Elliott–Yafet spin relaxation mechanism is dominant. We also show that spin transport in ultrathin bP depends strongly on the charge carrier concentration, and can be manipulated by the electric field effect.

Want to work on high-impact research with a team of dedicated and passionate scientists? Our group is currently looking for new Post-Doctoral Researchers and Research Assistant to join our team. The detailed descriptions are in the links below and if you think you are a good fit for the job, please send your CV to Prof. Barbaros at

  1. Post-Doctoral Position: Majorana Bound States In Van Der Waals Heterostructure
  2. Post-Doctoral Position: Black Phosphorus Spintronics
  3. Post-Doctoral Position: Towards Commercialization Of Graphene And Other 2D Materials
  4. Post-Doctoral Position: Energy Storage
  5. Research Assistant Position: Van Der Waals Heterostructures For Advanced Electronics And Spintronics
  6. Research Assistant Position: Towards Commercialization Of Graphene And Other 2D Materials

Centre for Advanced 2D Materials (CA2DM) is delighted to recognise the great achievement in Occupational Health and Safety through KPIs review conducted by NUS senior management on September 2019.

Professor Antonio Castro Neto, Director of CA2DM, receiving the Commitment Award from Professor Yong Kwet Yew, Senior Vice President of Campus Infrastructure, during the NUS Safety & Health Award 2017 ceremony.
(Photo taken by NUS OSHE)

This achievement is a testament to everyone on their continued dedication and commitment to ensure health and safety in all of CA2DM research facilities. Awarded with ‘Commitment Award’, CA2DM established and implemented Occupational Health & Safety Management System (OHSMS); as accordance to OHSAS 18001 and Singapore Standard SS 506 in Year 2016.

These achievements represent CA2DM’s beliefs on the use of best practices and reaffirm its commitment on ensuring compliance to regulations and providing a safe environment for staff, students, researchers and collaborators at all times. CA2DM adopts a holistic approach towards Occupational Health and Safety. Continuous support and collaboration efforts between individual and leadership is the key to achieving these excellence.

“CA2DM has come a long way for Health & Safety and we are most glade to achieve a level of recognition from our management. We will continue to strive for higher levels and it will always be a journey for us.”
– Mr. Ang Han Siong, Senior Associate Director of CA2DM

“Managing and obtaining an excellent occupational health and safety results in a complex and ever changing environment filled with extraordinary multicultural mix of researchers; this is a milestone of enormous value!”
– Mr. Liaw Jinle (Zinc), Lead of Occupational Health & Safety at CA2DM

Centre for Advanced 2D Materials (CA2DM) is delighted to recognise the great achievement in Occupational Health and Safety through KPIs review conducted by NUS senior management on September 2019.

Professor Antonio Castro Neto, Director of CA2DM, receiving the Commitment Award from Professor Yong Kwet Yew, Senior Vice President of Campus Infrastructure, during the NUS Safety & Health Award 2017 ceremony.
(Photo taken by NUS OSHE)

This achievement is a testament to everyone on their continued dedication and commitment to ensure health and safety in all of CA2DM research facilities. Awarded with ‘Commitment Award’, CA2DM established and implemented Occupational Health & Safety Management System (OHSMS); as accordance to OHSAS 18001 and Singapore Standard SS 506 in Year 2016.

These achievements represent CA2DM’s beliefs on the use of best practices and reaffirm its commitment on ensuring compliance to regulations and providing a safe environment for staff, students, researchers and collaborators at all times. CA2DM adopts a holistic approach towards Occupational Health and Safety. Continuous support and collaboration efforts between individual and leadership is the key to achieving these excellence.

“CA2DM has come a long way for Health & Safety and we are most glade to achieve a level of recognition from our management. We will continue to strive for higher levels and it will always be a journey for us.”
– Mr. Ang Han Siong, Senior Associate Director of CA2DM

“Managing and obtaining an excellent occupational health and safety results in a complex and ever changing environment filled with extraordinary multicultural mix of researchers; this is a milestone of enormous value!”
– Mr. Liaw Jinle (Zinc), Lead of Occupational Health & Safety at CA2DM

The following links are a compilation of articles, press clippings and research papers encompassing both the fundamentals and commercial prospects and applications of Graphene.

For a great introduction to graphene, one cannot go past the Nature paper, “A roadmap for graphene”, by Kostya Novoselov. Commercial developments in the field of graphene applications are well covered in the articles from the Economist, Financial Times and Forbes. A more philosophical narrative on the path towards the discovery of graphene is found in Geim’s Nobel series. Lastly, the YouTube videos provides a more “hands-on” demonstration of graphene transfer, as filmed in the Ozyilmaz laboratory.

If you would like to know more about any of the information provided here, do not hesitate to contact us.

“How could graphene transform the future?”

A BBC mini-documentary on Graphene, including an interview with Kostya.

“A roadmap for graphene”

Kostya Novoselov’s roadmap for graphene.

“The fuss about graphene”

The Economist’s take on the potential of Graphene.

“Lightbulb moment as first mass­market graphene product goes live”

The Financial Times describes the first graphene based lightbulb.

“Graphene: Faster, stronger, bendier”

Recent developments and prospects for graphene applications.

“Graphene: What the Pros Think”

Timeline for the commercialization of graphene.

“Geim: Random Walk to Graphene”

A story describing Sir Andre Geim’s journey towards discovering graphene.

“Geim: Nobel Laureate Lecture”

Sir Andre Geim’s lecture upon receiving the Nobel Prize.

“Future Applications of Graphene”

A video by SKKU on the potential applications of graphene.

“Large Scale CVD Graphene Transfer”

A video showing a real transfer of CVD graphene.

“Making Graphene 101, Ozyilmaz’ Group”

A video showing how to exfoliate graphene from graphite.